Monday, October 8, 2007


I have a reoccurring theme of longing that happens in my dreams. Trying and trying with fruitless efforts, a sense of hopelessness develops. I am helpless, but I have to keep trying.
I wanted this sense of build up, for the big finale. Hopelessness sets in when you start to feel like you won’t get there. Occasionally hopes get up, just to be let down even harder.
My character wakes up and begins walking through the school. He catches his glimpse of what looks like a person but then suddenly it’s gone, and the lights go out. Something is seemingly around, so he runs. He sees another glimpse upstairs, so he tries to get out of the school. But suddenly he’s dropped back into consciousness.

1 comment:

Ali said...

Hi, just stop by to see your blog.
This writing is very lovely.