Thursday, October 18, 2007

Blip on the Map

We enter into the scene, looking at a door from a hallway. Then we hear talking and characters enter from the left side of the screen. They’re coming up stairs that the shot is taken over. We hear them in mid conversation.
: No man you would have a heart attack before you even hit the ground. That’s what happened to those people who jumped. They died from a heart attack before they hit the ground.
>But what if it isn’t that tall…and you landed flat…wouldn’t that be crazy to live after that
} Man your brain would hit the inside of your skull so hard that it would be turned into mush. There’s no way.
>Or if you landed straight up
: Then you would break your back…your spine…
| It would impale onto itself…like shatter straight down
: Yeah

That all takes place getting to the door and then there is a pause in conversation while he is opening the door.

| So what am I gonna do about this project…?
: What project man?
| The fuckin video ive been telling you about
} Video for what?
| For class
}: Oh well yeah
| Yeah what? I Need to figure out what to do
}: I dunno man
| Well im trying to get a shot of just us sitting around and let a conversation happen you know? Like a more in depth sonic.commercial…or sittin around the table on that 70s show. Just set up the camera in the corner and press play…then once something happens I can take it, transcribe it and then we can do close up shots…ya know?
}Oh ok…I mean you could have us talking about….
| Well ya see I don’t want to have a script pre-film ya know? Then its not as funny…

Here is where I want the movie to take its own… Not even sure I want to have that part talking about it…

I want the cuts to continuously get cut shorter and shorter…as we get into a conversation that gets more and more heated then there are more interjections…and finally it comes to someone that ends this flow of thoughts…. I want to catch that point.

Your going to see the overhead shot when everyone interjects. And rotating close up shot during the dialogue. I want the camera to appear low, down on the table, looking up at the subject.

Then the last shot will kind of lock onto the “dunce” and move to a front shot. Move out and then exit the scene.

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