Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Revamp the details...

Well tonight, i kind of listened outside of the conversation that my friends and i were having. It went from talkin about a girl's talking about our worst flatchulance stories...and just more in depth stories about them.

It began to develop into a contest...who could gross out who the most. And then at the end of maybe the 10th story, Wesley looks over at the next building and inquires...Wouldnt that be crazy if someone jumped off that building...I bet they would mess themselves. And then it got into the physics of jumping off the building...what would happen.

And it of course went to the most common and extreme jumping off of building stories. The twin towers. Using them as examples for what happens. Some went into shock and had a heart attack before they even hit the ground. Then it got to what if you made it to the ground...and the possibility of living... But then it was no your brain would hit the inside of your skull so hard that it would turn into mush.

But what if you landed straight up?
Then you would literally impale yourself.
Your back would break it would literally shatter into itself...

But i still need the twist that i want

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