Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Horror Show

My editing needs a few tweaks, but i like the product that i came up with. The final scene with the flashlight is a little rough... The first scenes are good, i like them. But the picture that was in my head throughout the movie is basically portrayed fairly decently on the screen. Music will definitely make the movie more suspenseful.


Eric said...

The beginning is creepy as shit!The weird voice that comes in when he is just laying there works allot. I want to see running. I'm sure that the idea is he woke up and is a little confused and slow as to what is going on, but I just think if he was running or really freaked out about something it would be a hell of a lot scarier. The plot is decent, but could use a little more clues as to what is going through the kid's mind. I think that the beginning scene is the most important. If you used flash clips from it to throw in between other scenes throughout the movie it would help the viewer relate back to the original meaning. The flashlight is a little wacky. Maybe you could do 5 in the morning lighting. It would be kind-of weird and strange to have him come out of the school that late. Anyways it works, I just think if you focused more on making the movie exciting and freaky to watch like the beginning it would work a lot better.

Tiffani Nikole said...

I get the sense that this boy is awakened by something and he is in this unknown place. He travels through observing these dead people in certain areas. He wakes up & realizes it was a dram. I get a real spooky feeling as he enters the hallway and all the lights go off, yet in sequence (its funny). The body in the computer lab was a very quick scene, maybe showing it longer. And the reflection of a body off the glass was a brilliant move!

louis giberson said...

hey man I thought the plot sequence was great. the overall story was really interesting and kept me engaged.

the mise-en-scene was a little un controlled. I didn't like the light being focussed so directly on the actor when he was outside.

editing- the editing of some of the shots particularly in the elevator. when you were shooting where the light was flickering the camera was going in and out of focus and if you would have set the camera to manual it would have been better.

J Postal said...

I think the editing was good and well thought out.
The jump cuts were strong and with tightening so was the movement around the school.
However I did not get the story.
It was not scary and I didn't follow your thoughts.
I think allot of this had to do with the lighting.
The face in the opening shot was great and I would have liked to look at it longer.
When you enter the regular light it is too regular .
(for me).
I think it either had to be more shadowy (I know the school is reality so to speak) or blown out super bright.
The stairs were good both with camera angle and light but could be trimmed.
Then as you hit the entrance of the school it is again too flat and regular (maybe colored filters could be added post production.
Once out of the door I thought it worked great outside. and I didn't mind the cold reality of the last scene - I just would not want to see that light before that.
On the whole if tightened up and the light messes with I think it would look great - but I may still not get it.

Nanarb Yenid said...

hey eric.
the editing was great. everything flowed very well. there is a part in the computer lab where you can hear someones voice and i think you should be able to cut that sound out and at the end, when you are outside some dumbass says "this is cheesy" and i hope you can cut that sound out too.

the mise-en scene: excellent lighting. good compositions and camera angles. yeah, i think it looks good.

story/plot: guy wakes up light are flashing, walks through school. sees bodies around but then they dissappear. everything is quiet and deserted. wakes up later. maybe it was all a dream.