Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The straw that broke the camel's back.
That final push over the edge. I want to capture that. Being told you've been cheated on. That final hour of homework where you start to hallucinate. Not being able to hit the brakes in time.
Helplessness...all you can do is sit back and watch.
I think i want to do the break-up one. Because personally i have never had so many emotions running through me at one time than when i was told that. I had just gone through a break-up with whom seemed to be a pretty good person that just happened to have some minor character flaws. But after gettin out of it scott free one of her friends or ex-friends thought that it would be a good idea to let me know.
But just the feeling of helpnessness...theres nothing i could do except boil my blood. I just had to sit back and watch the sun go down...the day went on.
Gettin up late for a final...theres nothing you can do without manipulating time....All you can do now is race whats left...
Time travel...fixing a mistake...fixing the stock market rather....
Being there when something happened...


jlynneginger said...

theres nothing you can do without manipulating time -- intersting -- expand -- the whole concept of maniputlation is what i'm most drawn to -- brainstrom manipulation

J Postal said...

Eric, I prefere the real terror of a breakup to the bodies and pittbulls.
Watching a relationship go down the drain is scarier than a straight razor any day.
I can see this two ways and this might be because I'm not absolutly clear who's small annoying habits started the fissure.
If it was hers I think we have all seen things that didn't seem to make much difference in the begining esculate as a relationship continues.
Something like a girl who tapps her heel when she's thinking or rolls over allot in bed - these things can become nails on the blackboard.
Maybe you could show the man's helplessnes by shooting him in slow motion and when she's gonehe is released but released into an sad empty vacume.
On the other hand I like the idea of the dissapation of the relationship seen through the eyes of her friend especially if there is sexualy tention between the frien and the man.
Maybe as she enlightens him and he comes to a realiztion of the little things he did that made life unbearable with him.....however if he was attracted to the friend he could do one of thoes very same things to show his interest in her without even realizing it. Showing that even when you know what you do is not working sometimes you can't help doing it anyway.

Dwayne Butcher said...

i agree with jill - there is something interesting about the manipulation of time that we all must endure. how we are all fixated on specific moments and being at a certain place, being constantly late and how we must manipulate everything to just be a little late.