Thursday, September 27, 2007

Another reply

i really like the camera angles that Mr. Huber has chosen to use. The scene that shows him run in front of the metals studio filmed from down a corridor is exceptional!!! Needs work on lighting though... and Mr. Huber needs a better camera than the shit-box he's using. overall good movie...somewhat enticing, but needs a little more information to help the viewer understand what is going on...

Friendly Reply

interesting cut scenes, i liked the camera angles. at times lighting was very effective and set the mood, towards the end, it was a little off and could have been improved.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Horror Show

My editing needs a few tweaks, but i like the product that i came up with. The final scene with the flashlight is a little rough... The first scenes are good, i like them. But the picture that was in my head throughout the movie is basically portrayed fairly decently on the screen. Music will definitely make the movie more suspenseful.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

After the Shot

Well people just arent reliable... First thought that comes to mind. So i thought that i had arranged for a shoot time...but my actor got himself tied up in something else so i became the LEAD ROLE. I also lost my daylight so my movie had to be reworked. Now you start when the character wakes up and is in the intense scene and at the end he wakes up. Filming on a time frame is tough...but thats the idea... My filming went rather smoothly. Im sure there'll be bugs with my shots or whatever but im pretty happy with it.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Lighting... I believe as I use each room im just going to turn the lights off and use our 3 lights to get the effect that i want... I may have the lights flickering on and off at some points.

Electrical Outlets
There arent any outside or in the stairwell
Gonna have to use some extensions

Saturday, September 8, 2007

My shooting will most likely take only one day. The timeline is pretty linear, so there wont be too many complications... I do have to figure out what is going to jump out of the bushes at the end... It has to be unrecognizable...some sort of shadowy figure...but so fragmented that you dont have a chance to focus on it...

Thursday, September 6, 2007

I'm going to use one major character, one minor and a handleful of stand-in-non-responsive-bodies...there might be some light powdering to make them look deader.
The minor character will be in for barely a minute at the beginning and for a bit at the end as a dead body
The extras will be around for about a minute as well before they disappear.
My main character Jacob is going to have to fake a fall onto the printing machine...
More to come....
My character:: Jacob

Jacob shows up at the school that day a little impatient. When he pulls up in his spot he comes to a skreeching halt. He slams his door. He gets all of his supplies out in a haste. He locks his doors and starts heading for the school only to soon remember that he had forgotten something in the car. A small but straw-that-almost-broke-the-camels-back obstacle for Jacob. He b-lines it to the printing-press room. He has alot of supplies hes taking with him so its hard to hold it all. He sees a few people on the way but he doesnt really say much, just gettin wheres hes going.
He enters the rom where Robert already is...and vents a little bit. He describes how he wants to be in-and-out, knock this work out realy quick...but then thats when he gets a little more than he bargained for...Boom...

This is a comp-scene-by-scene that I took. This is path that I want my character to follow. I'm pretty sure im gonna kill all of the lights when i shoot and use our light kit for what light i need.