Friday, August 31, 2007

Manipulating Time...

Deja vu...or wishing for deja vu

Hoping for that second chance....hoping so hard that it happens...but deja vu yeilds the same outcome...

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Ok so....helplessness is scary right...? And what is wrong with the horror movies of today that can't be fixed with technology? What oh what in our time do we have to be afriad of?? Monsters? Mutants? Creepy little kids with problems? No...all we are scared of today is fear itself...the idea of being scared. Horror movies today show you what you are afriad of but then once you see realize that it isnt real and couldnt happen in reality. The old school scary movies could scare without cursing, nudity or the best gore scene.

So theres nothin that you can do about want to help but theres nothing there that can be helped... You are helpfulless. Everyone is gone..or everything is gone...or you are gone and stuck.

Im picturing waking up...beginning out of the loop. Like waking up late and not knowing what went on in your slumber.
Lets say we start out at the school...a loud noise happens. The subject is with someone who darts out at the first sign of the try to hastily catch up but slip and are knocked out.
One awakens disoriented...lets say the fire alarm is going off. All over the building are signs that something big has happened or come through the school. You hear noises but once you reach them...there is nothing there. Maybe you even get attacked but it is so quick and swift that you still dont see what it is... It could be random accidents... Maybe there are a few people laying around...but they are dead or in a coma of some sort...
Being a short video is nice so i can get right to the point...
So since you cant do anything at the school you try to leave... But once you get outside there is a erie calm... like your being watched...or stalked...
And right when some sort of movement occurs the tape goes out. The viewer does not get to see what it therefore it could be anything... They can leave scared and that thing that popped out at the subject could very well be waiting on them. It could be a fictional monster or it could be a Pit Bull out dont know...
All you have to fear is the fear.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The straw that broke the camel's back.
That final push over the edge. I want to capture that. Being told you've been cheated on. That final hour of homework where you start to hallucinate. Not being able to hit the brakes in time.
Helplessness...all you can do is sit back and watch.
I think i want to do the break-up one. Because personally i have never had so many emotions running through me at one time than when i was told that. I had just gone through a break-up with whom seemed to be a pretty good person that just happened to have some minor character flaws. But after gettin out of it scott free one of her friends or ex-friends thought that it would be a good idea to let me know.
But just the feeling of helpnessness...theres nothing i could do except boil my blood. I just had to sit back and watch the sun go down...the day went on.
Gettin up late for a final...theres nothing you can do without manipulating time....All you can do now is race whats left...
Time travel...fixing a mistake...fixing the stock market rather....
Being there when something happened...

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Eric Huber
Graphic Design
August 28, 2007

Web Page

I am completely diving into something new here.